• October 26th Maintenance Complete
  • 2021.10.26
  • Greetings Commanders,
    the maintenance for October 26th, 2021 is complete.

    ※ If the update button doesn't work in Google Play, delete Google Play's cache data and restart the app.
    If this issue continues, contact us by email at [email protected].

    1. The Butler of Fuuma is here!

    The new playable character “Fuuma Tokiko” arrived to support her master!
    Pickup Gacha with an increased drop rate of Tokiko-exclusive weapon is open!

    Roll the gacha a certain number of times and receive a voucher to obtain a UR weapon!
    ※ Pick Up Gacha until 2021, Nov 30th 01:59 (UTC)
    ※ Pick Up Gacha Reward: UR Weapon Voucher

    2. Happy Halloween!

    Trick or Treat! Enjoy Halloween with Action Taimanin!
    Receive various prizes by clearing many missions for 7 days!
    Clear all missions and claim Limited Time Supporter "【UR】 [Shadow Fairy] Igawa Sakura"!

    ※ Happy Halloween is available until 2021, November 16th, 01:59 (UTC)
    ※ If you logged in to the game on Oct. 26th, 2021 before the maintenance, the Happy Halloween missions may start from Oct. 27th, but this will not affect the progress of your missions.
    ※ Please note that Happy Halloween missions are available only for 7 days after starting the missions and you can't clear the rest of the missions after 7 days.

    3. Character Improvements!

    The following improvements have been made to Playable Character "Shinganji Kurenai".
    - Storm Zone: The additional whirlwinds from the supporter set effect 2 deal less damage, but track the enemy.
    - Howling Wind: The character dashes further when using this skill.

    4. Added Reward in "Event Mission: Cooperation"!

    Thanks to your love for Event Mission: Cooperation, we've decided to add a new reward!
    When the Event Mission : Cooperation progress bar reaches the end, everyone who participated will be rewarded with a Crystal Kit!

    ※ Challenge Objective : 280,000,000 (280M)
    ※ Additional Reward : Crystal Kit × 1

    5. Store Renewal!

    ○ Find your "Evil Eye Witch" in the Shop of Desires!
    Don't miss the Limited Time Costume of Fuuma Tokiko, "Evil Eye Witch" in the Shop of Desires!

    ※ Available until Nov. 16th, 2021 01:59 (UTC)

    6. Surprise Mission #4!

    Look out for surprise missions each week during our 1st Anniversary celebration event period!
    Clear these missions and get your gems!

    ※ Surprise mission until Nov. 2nd, 2021 01:59 (UTC)
    ※ Surprise mission rewards: Gems × 45

    7. Surprise Campaign #4!

    Look out for a new surprise campaign each week during our 1st Anniversary celebration event period!

    ※ Surprise campaign until Nov. 2nd, 2021 01:59 (UTC)
    ※ Surprise campaign: Intimacy gain increased when clearing stages + EXP gain increased when upgrading supporters and weapons

    8. Game Fixes
    - The cost of Particles when using weapon skills in certain weapons has been decreased.
    ※ List of weapons with the fix applied
    └ Hermetic Megistus (Emily)
    └ Deathly Gehenna (Asuka)
    └ Yomotsu-Hegui (Kirara)
    └ Skeletal Tartaros (Ingrid)
    └ Crystal Heart (Noah)
    └ Starlight Navigator (Astaroth)
    - Added UI which swipes Rotation Gacha right and left.
    - Added the info which shows the attributes (Assist, Suppress, Protect) and types (Human, Demon, Machine) of each character on the status screen.
    - Changed some Ticket Gacha effects.
    - The following in-game texts have been changed.
    └ The description of challenge objectives of a playable character "Astaroth" are changed (JP only).
    └ Changed the name of the main skill of supporter "[Shadow Fairy] Igawa Sakura".
    └ Corrected the description of the main skill of supporter "Fuuma Tokiko".
    └ Modified other in-game texts.

    9. Bug Fixes
    - Fixed the anomaly in the Collections where the weapon of a character you don't have yet is displayed in the collections when entering the Skill Training Room with a character you don't yet have.
    - Fixed the anomaly where Particles are used when you use the playable character "Yatsu Murasaki"'s skill "Greataxe: Rengeki" while equipped with the weapon "A.D.W. Annihilator".
    - Fixed the anomaly in several devices where basic attacks don't work after pausing then continuing a game.
    - Fixed the anomaly in several devices where you can't add a screenshot when sending an email to customer services.
    - Fixed the anomaly where the character also moves left and right when dragging to see the costumes in the playable character screen.
    - Fixed the anomaly where the monster "Behemoth" becomes invulnerable when you use your ultimate just before the monster lands after attacking in the air.
    - Fixed the anomaly where the game force closes when clicking repeatedly on the list of Character packages.
    - Fixed the anomaly in the Steam version where the mouse cursor disappears after viewing certain event epilogues.

    10.Suspension of cheating users
    In order to create a healthy gaming environment, we have imposed disciplinary measures on accounts found to be cheating in the game.

    The following 24 accounts have been suspended from accessing the game due to the disciplinary measures.


    If you have any objections to the above measures, please contact [email protected]

    In order to protect the users who play the game in a fair manner, GREMORY GAMES will continue to respond strictly to any unfair advantages through proper means and actions.

    Thank you.

    Stay tuned for more!
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